Coding for Kids
The Easiest Way to Learn Coding for Kids
Python programming language for kids with game-based learning method

Learn Coding with Kodris
Thousands of students and teachers are using Kodris
Why Kodris?
We teach the Python with the gamified coding curriculum

Learn with Gamification
Gamified Coding Curriculum
Taking different learning styles of each grade level into consideration, our curriculum has been created in collaboration with the Education Departments of leading universities in Turkey, and has been accredited by Pearson, one of the world’s largest education companies.
Next Generation Learning
21st Century Skills
With our coding curriculum we aim to equip students with:
- Algorithmic thinking skills.
- Productivity.
- Analytic thinking skills.
- Problem solving skills.
- Design thinking skills.
Coding with Python
Python Programming Language
- Is increasingly gaining popularity.
- Has easier to learn syntax compared to other programming languages.
- Has a simpler and more flexible structure compared to other programming languages.
- Has the possibility of platform-independent software development.
- Is used in web programming, game programming and AI fields.
How Does Kodris Work?
Leveled modes and smart control system
Code and Block Mode work synchronously
While learning Python programming language, students can work synchronously in Block and Code Mode and simultaneously code in text-based and block-based code.
Curriculum for Each Grade Level
Students learn Python programming language, following a game-based coding curriculum based on the learning styles of each specific grade level.
Smart Monitoring System
While learning Python programming language, student progress can be tracked thanks to the smart monitoring system.
Block Mode
Block mode is the mode that allows users to create algorithms using code blocks to solve the given tasks. With block-based coding, children are able to easily grasp the logic of coding. Furthermore, because of its ease of use with the drag-and-drop method, block-based coding is considered an initial step for children new to coding.
Code Mode
Code mode is the mode that enables text-based coding in accordance with the syntax rules of the programming language. Python is the most preferred programming language due to its easy-to-understand syntax. Students developing their algorithmic thinking skills are advised to work with codes of the programming language in order to improve their programming skills.
Smart Monitoring
- Instantly track students’ scene solutions.
- Track students’ scene completion times.
- Evaluate student progress.

Why Pearson Assured?
Since 2017, Kodris Education Technologies has secured its place as a well-known brand in the “coding” education field of the IT sector in Turkey. Kodris Educational Technologies continues to accelerate its success in the market with its coding education for students from elementary to high school grades, and has been awarded the world-renowned PEARSON ASSURED accreditation.
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